What is the BAST method of Sound Therapy?

Sound Therapy is a non-directional, client led therapy which uses sounds or voice or
special instruments in a specific, therapeutic way to improve health and wellbeing.
The addition of deep self-reflective techniques in a 1-2-1 and reflective group
sessions enables the client to gain insight into their personal process and empowers
them to make life changing improvements to their health and wellbeing. Clients are
guided to find new ways of creating balance and flow in their life using a client
centred reflective process called the 7Rs Model of Experiential Processing

Combining instruments in a specific order allows the brainwave frequencies to lower,
entering a deep state of relaxation (also known as an Altered State of
Consciousness), similar to meditation. ASC is a natural everyday occurrence that
happens when your brainwaves go into a lower frequency. This allows our system to
re balance and allows for mental refreshment and chemical balance. Entering this
state can promote deep relaxation and clients report seeing colours behind closed
eyes, feeling floaty or “losing their edges” or losing their sense of time. Anxiety and
muscle tension may reduce, and people generally feel in a place of inner peace and
deeply relaxed or have mental clarity following a session. Unfortunately, our
everyday life habits do not allow the brain to remain in this state for long enough to
truly feel the benefits but attending regular sound baths can create a space to allow
for deep relaxation and balance to occur.

Many illnesses are connected to stress and the BAST method is very effective at
reducing stress. Research has shown that their technique is 16% more relaxing than
other treatments such as massage and on average 64% more relaxing than other
general relaxation methods. See BAST for more research papers and